Environmental Corridors
The Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission updated its regional environmental corridor dataset in June, 2022. The GIS dataset consists of three categories:
- Primary Corridors - include environmentally sensitive areas of steep slopes (greater than 12%), wetlands (with a 50 foot buffer), surface water (with a 75 foot buffer), and floodplains which are legally protected. These are areas that are set aside for sewer service areas and environmental corridors within them.
- Secondary Corridors - areas that are sensitive in nature and should be protected but may not necessarily have rules and regulations for protection.
- Tertiary Corridors - include significant and vulnerable ecosystems that have been designated by the Wisconsin Wildlife Action Plan.
The complete dataset and more information on the dataset can be found by going to the Environmental Corridors of the Bay-Lake Region Portal Site.
This regional environmental corridor dataset update was funded in part by the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office for Coastal Management under the Coastal Zone Management Act, Grant #NA21NOS4190086.