RFQ FOR Brownfields Assessment Grant Implementation Services

The Bay-Lake RPC released its request for qualifications on August 21, 2018 seeking qualifications from consulting firms to provide environmental assessment implementation services for Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission's U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Community-Wide Brownfields Assessment Program grant award. Responses are due September 20, 2018 at 4:00PM CDT.  Any questions posed in response to the request will be posted here.


1.Is the application and work plan available?

Bay-Lake RPC Brownfields Application

Bay-Lake RPC Brownfields Work Plan

2. Can you clarify the CIH requirements? Is this something we must have to move forward?

The CIH is not a must. A firm does not have to have this on staff to submit a proposal. 

3. Did an environmental consultant prepare the grant that this RFQ is subject to or was the grant application completed by your agency?

An outside consultant did not complete this application.

4. The RFQ states the Project Manager should have either a PG or PE. Will points be deducted or the project not awarded if the intended Project Manager does not have a PG/PE? If a PG or PE is included as an Assistant PM, would this change your answer? 

The completeness of the team, and capacity demonstrated per item 3 of the evaluation criteria will determine the scoring. That combined with item 2 experience will also determine scoring for proposals received.

5. The RFQ states the Standard Terms and Conditions are included in this request and are hereby made a part it it. The the RFQ also states firms responding are to provide a proposed contract covering all the terms, conditions, and specifications for the performance of all work related to the assessment grant implementation.  Would you like a standard contract or should we use the one in the RFQ (pg 12)? 

We would like firms to provide a proposed contract with the specifications of the work to be performed. 

3. Please confirm that the 15 page limit does not include professional resumes?  Does it or does it not include samples or example reports? 

It states that the 15 page limit is "exclusive of" resumes and sample reports. So the resumes and samples / examples are not part of the 15 page limit.

4. In addition resumes and work samples, are other required items excluded from the 15 page limit? Such as Exhibit B , the statement on ability to obtain insurance and a possible statement of non-collusion?  

Yes,  Exhibit B  and related items can be in addition to the 15 page limit. 

5. Page 10 State of Qualifications/Technical Proposal bullet two refers to "grant writing services in this request" Please clarify that scope item is not part of the response to this RFQ. 

That was an error and is not part of this RFQ.  Only brownfield assessment administration services are requested.