City of Manitowoc

Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan 

About the Plan

The Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission is partnering with the City of Manitowoc to develop a city-wide bicycle and pedestrian master plan that will establish a framework to increase walking and biking and improve connectivity in the city. The resulting plan will be used as a tool to guide the City of Manitowoc in their efforts toward becoming a more pedestrian and bicyclist friendly community. 

The public will have ample opportunity to participate in the planning process by providing feedback during various stages of the plan development. By using this website, community members can be sure that they are up-to-date on upcoming community outreach events. Additionally, the city will promote public events and share project progress on social media and via email.

The project will result in a cohesive city-wide network of bicycle and pedestrian facilities that will enhance safety and increase biking and walking in the city for all ages and abilities.

Public Participation

During public outreach events, Manitowoc community members will be invited to share their experiences walking and biking within the city as well as their preferences on where they would like to see biking and walking improvements made throughout the city. 

The public had their first opportunity to participate in the planning process and learn more about the project during a public workshop held at the Senior Center on Tuesday, March 10th at 5:30 PM. The workshop started with various stations for the public to visit and provide input followed by a presentation about the project and a group discussion. The public also had the opportunity to participate in numerous online surveys and interactive mapping activities. The first survey was available between March and April of 2020 and helped planners identify existing and desired routes, key destinations, and barriers and challenges to the existing network. A second survey that featured several bicycling scenarios and important questions relating to the comfort and safety level of these scenarios was available through August. An additional survey was released throughout September that featured the recommended bicycle network and asked participants to choose their top five routes that they woud like to see implemented first. The next opportunity for in-person participation took place at a public open house on June 12, 2021 as part of the Manitowoc Farmers Market. Participants had the opportunity to learn more about the plan and review the final recommendations.

Plan Documents

City of Manitowoc Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan

Existing Plans and Additional Information 

City of Manitowoc Bike and Pedestrian Plan; 1995

City of Manitowoc Downtown Master Plan; 2019

Connect Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan for Northeast Wisconsin; 2018

City of Manitowoc Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan; 2017

Preliminary Design and Engineering Study for Sheet Wall and Riverwalk; 2014

City of Manitowoc Comprehensive Plan; 2009

City of Manitowoc Riverwalk Master Plan and Guidelines; 2009

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee was established to oversee the development of the plan and provide feedback during project milestones.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
Name Organization / Involvement
Chan Barden Heavy Pedal Velo Club; Manitowoc Cyclists
Dan Koski City of Manitowoc
Greg Jagemann Plan Commission; downtown property owner
Greg Minikel City of Manitowoc
Harley Engel Lakeshore Pedalers
Jason Freiboth City of Manitowoc
Jennifer Wetenkamp Manitowoc Public School District 
John Brunner Friends of the Mariners Trail; The Fitness Store
John Jacobs Kiwanis Club; Friends of the Mariners Trail
Joyce Morrison Lakeshore Senior Pedalers
Nick Mueller City of Manitowoc
Paul Braun City of Manitowoc
Pete Tarnowski Manitowoc County
Scott Retzak Downtown entrepreneur 
Tim Ryan Manitowoc County 
Tyler Lachowicz Cycling enthusiast
Wade Marks NE Wisconsin Mountain Bike Club













Bicyle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meetings

Meeting 1 (03/03/2020)
Agenda & Minutes  

Meeting 2 (04/27/2020)
Agenda & Minutes

Meeting 3 (07/07/2020)
Agenda & Minutes

Meeting 4 (09/15/2020)
Agenda & Minutes

Meeting 5 (02/25/2021)
Agenda & Minutes

Contact Information 

For questions or to provide feedback, please contact one of the project planners below. 

Contact Information
Sydney Swan    Curt Hall 
Bay-Lake RPC   City of Manitowoc
(920) 448-2820 X108   (920) 686-6519