Long-Range Transportation planning

"Long-range transportation planning" is defined as transportation planning activities that have a horizon year of at least 20 years into the future. The main example of long-range transportation planning is development and updating of the Sheboygan Area Transportation Plan (SATP), which currently has a horizon year of 2050. Many of the technical activities that support SATP development are also considered long-range transportation planning activities; these include travel demand forecast modeling inputs, air quality conformity analyses, and other activities. Other long-range transportation planning activities include aligning the SATP with USDOT performance management rules and working with WisDOT on the development of statewide transportation plans.

For more information, please contact:
Heena Bhatt, Transportation Planner
Phone:  (920) 448-2820, Ext. 107
Email:  hbhatt@baylakerpc.org