
Sheboygan Area Transportation Plan (SATP)

In order to comply with new, current and changing federal regulations, as well as to address the needs of the ever evolving urbanized and metropolitan planning areas, the Sheboygan MPO must update its transportation plan every four years as part of a continuing, cooperative and comprehensive transportation planning process. Because Sheboygan County is a nonattainment area for ground-level ozone, the transportation plan must be adopted every four years, while transportation plans in attainment areas (areas that meet EPA air quality standards for particulates, carbon monoxide, ozone and other criteria pollutants) must be adopted every five years.

The purpose of the SATP  is to prepare an updated transportation plan for the Sheboygan metropolitan planning area to guide local units of government in making appropriate transportation decisions over the long-range future (at least 20 years from the date of approval).


The Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission approved the Update to the Year 2045 Sheboygan Area Transportation Plan (SATP) on April 26, 2019.

To view the full Update to the Year 2045 Sheboygan Area Transportation Plan (SATP), please click on the link below: 

To view an Executive Summary of the Update to the Year 2045 SATP, please click here.

To view individual chapters in the Update to the Year 2045 SATP, please click on the links below:

To view individual appendices in the Update to the Year 2045 SATP, please click on the links below:

For more information, please contact:
Jeffrey Agee-Aguayo, Transportation Planner
Phone:  (920) 448-2820, Ext. 103
Email:  jagee@baylakerpc.org