The Commission provides a variety of planning services which focus on housing and development. Housing studies help determine the type of development needed to sustain and grow a community. Housing projects integrate policy objectives with the urban and regional planning responsibilities of local governments. This research can influence the private housing market through planning and development control decisions, increase connections to the local community, and address current housing development issues with solutions and funding opportunities. Housing planning also involves exploring the connections between workforce, land-use, and design. Areas which are vacant or deteriorating can be opportunities for infill development: revitalization, or rehabilitation with an emphasis on preserving heritage.
recently completed plans
Kewaunee County Housing Study 2020 - 2021
Working together with Bay-Lake RPC, Kewaunee County commissioned a study to understand the housing issues and opportunities within the county.
Marinette County Housing Study 2017 - 2018
Marinette County Association for Business and Industry, Inc. (MCABI) is a public/private partnership dedicated to improving the economic vitality of Marinette County. Working together with Bay-Lake RPC, the completion of the Marinette County Housing Study was made possible.
For more information, please contact:
Sydney Swan, Economic Development Planner
Phone: (920) 448-2820, Ext. 108
Email: sswan@baylakerpc.org
Brandon Robinson, Executive Director
Phone: (920) 448-2820, Ext. 105
Email: brobinson@baylakerpc.org