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Project Summary
The Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission is currently working with Marinette County to update its Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Why the need for an update?
The county's existing plan, which can be viewed here, was adopted in April, 2020 and is a 5-year plan lasting until April, 2025. The plan update will be in accordance with the new Federal Emergency Management Assocation (FEMA) guidelines for mitigation plans found in the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program and Policy Guide that became effective March, 2023. By having an updated plan that is in accordance with the new guidelines, the county will stay eligible for federal funding in the event of an emergency.
What is a Hazard Mitigation Plan?
Hazard mitigation planning forms the foundation for a community's long-term strategy to reduce disaster losses and break the cycle of disaster damage, reconstruction, and repeated damage in the next disaster. State, County, and Tribal governments are required to develop a hazard mitigation plan as a condition of receiving certain types of hazard mitigation disaster assistance, emergency and non-emergency.
How can the community get involved?
A steering committee that is formed by the county will work with the Commission during the process and help guide decisions of the plan update. There will be multiple steering committee meetings through the process which will be open for the public to attend. All upcoming meeting dates/times along with agendas will be posted on this project webpage and through the county's website.
community engagement
Community FEEDBACK
We welcome any feedback, comments, or concerns regarding this plan update from the public. Feel free to use the link below to submit a feedback form or contact any of the project staff listed for the project.

The Commission is in the final stages of completing the Marinette County Hazard Mitigation Plan. The following plan is available for public review until August 20, 2024. For more information about the Marinette County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update, please contact Brandon Robinson of the Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission.
Kickoff Meeting (Marinette County Courthouse)
Project Meeting #1 (Marinette County Courthouse)
Project Meeting #2 (Village of Wausaukee Village Hall)
Project Meeting #3 (City of Niagara Senior Center)
Public Input Meeting/Open House (Marinette County Courthouse)
Project Staff
Brandon Robinson
Executive Director
Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission
Phone: 920-448-2820, Ext. 105
Email: brobinson@baylakerpc.org
Steering Committee
- Tina Barnes, Land Information Property Listing
- Molly Bonjean, County Public Health Officer, Health & Human Services
- Eric Burmeister, Highway Commissioner/Emergency Management Director
- Kiersten Burmeister, Communications Director
- Jessica Demler, Emergency Management Coordinator
- Jay Heckel, Fire Chief, City of Marinette
- Tim Oestreich, Land Information Director/GIS Coordinator
- Ryan Bourassa, Foresty Director
- Jessica Olson, Administrative Assistant, Emergency Management
- Martin Keyport, Facilities & Parks Director
The plan update began in October 2023 and is an 18-month process with a five to six month period dedicated for reviewing the plan by Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM) and FEMA. The planning process is broken up into several tasks shown below in the timeline graphic.
A steering committee that is formed by the county will work with the Commission during the process and help guide decisions of the plan update. There will be multiple steering committee meetings through the process which will be open for the public to attend.